5 Skill Areas to Study for Certbolt CompTIA Security+ Exam


Like any other evaluation, the CompTIA Security+ exam includes varied skill areas that demand the attention of candidates during their preparation. This variety of topics is due to the fact that the test aims to comprehensively verify your knowledge and skills in cybersecurity. Thus, below is a detailed description of the main sections of the exam, so that you can be well aware of what awaits you.

What Skill Areas Should You Study?

As you know, the new Certbolt Security+ exam comes with a specific code, which is SY0-601. Before this, the SY0-501 test, which is planned for retirement by the end of July 2021, has been running. The new version of the evaluation is accompanied by content that reflects the most recent skills that the field of cybersecurity needs most.

Thus, the exam’s knowledge areas are necessary for all those aspiring to fill varied security roles. They include security administrator, network or cloud engineer, security engineer or analyst, systems administrator, and much more. In any case, every position related to cybersecurity in one way or another requires the following knowledge and skills:

  1. Threats, attacks, & vulnerabilities

This knowledge area is about attending to threats attacks, in addition to vulnerabilities within the internet that requires additional analysis and penetration testing. In addition, you must also be able to identify different types of attacks, as well as numerous threat actors and intelligence sources.

  1. Implementation

Your revision for the New Security+ Practice Test (SY0-601) would not be sufficient without you paying attention to the skill area on implementation. As it is, this section has been expanded to include secure protocols, secure network designs, public key infrastructure, secure mobile solutions, as well as wireless security configuration.

  1. Architecture & Design

As enterprises or organizations change to hybrid-related networks, the cloud is being relied on frequently. Therefore, the center of this attention includes enterprise environments in addition to knowledge of the cloud computing concepts. Moreover, you must be able to demonstrate your understanding of authentication and authorization design concepts, cybersecurity resilience, and cryptographic concepts.

  1. Operations & Incident Response

This is another knowledge area you can never run away from if passing the Security+ exam is of priority to you. Your attention will have to go to assessing organizational security and procedures for incident responding. You can also meet questions related to basic ways to detect threats, techniques enabling risk mitigation, and controls for security, in addition to basic investigation and forensics for dealing with the digital space.

  1. Governance, Risk & Compliance

If you can master this skill area well, then you are a step ahead in excelling in the Security+ test. Especially since CompTIA Security+ Practice Test has expanded it to include approaches to managing organizational risk and complying with standards and regulations like PCI-DSS, GDPR, NIST, RMF, and CSF. In other words, your comprehension of the varied applicable laws, as well as privacy policies, is essential.


Do not sign up for the exam or start preparing for it if you have not studied the main topics you may encounter. Especially when it comes to the CompTIA Security+ accreditation exam under the SY0-601 code. Only an up-to-date test blueprint will help you assess your strengths, find the right preparation materials, and start studying according to your own plan. Now you know how to make the first step, go for it!

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