How to Grow Your YouTube Channel?

By Mohd

YouTube is a great platform for sharing videos. Millions of people watch YouTube videos every day and it has become one of the best ways to get your message across to your target audience online.

There are many benefits that you can get by having your own YouTube channel. You can start your own business on the platform, create passive income through ads and also engage with your audience in a whole new way.

Growing a YouTube channel is not as easy as it sounds and it takes a lot of time and patience to achieve success on the platform.  If you are interested in learning how to grow your YouTube channel, there are a few things that you should know. In this article, we will be giving you the best tips to grow your YouTube channel from scratch.

Tips to Grow Your YouTube Channel

Creating a YouTube channel and uploading videos is not enough to become successful on the platform. In order to monetize your YouTube channel, you need to have more than 1,000 subscribers and 4000 hours of watch time.

Create engaging videos and attract people to your channel by simply providing them with great entertainment through your content. Here are some tips that you can use for growing your YouTube channel from scratch:

Build Your Videos around Single Topic

When you are uploading your videos to YouTube, it is important that you stick to a single topic. You can have different channels for different topics but not multiple videos under one channel. This will confuse the audience and the views will stop after every video.

For example, if you are doing fashion-related videos then all your uploads should be fashion-related and not a mix of fashion, beauty, and lifestyle videos. Video content is one of the most important aspects of a channel and you must be willing to work on new, creative concepts for your videos.

Find What Your Audience Want

Before uploading your videos, you should try to find out what the people are searching for. Instead of cramming up your channel with multiple topics, start by covering the one that is most searched for on YouTube.

It will help you get more views and subscribers in the long run. You can then slowly move into another genre if you want but it is advisable that you stick to one thing until you are able to get the attention of your audience.

Once this is done, your videos won’t be buried by other results on YouTube searches which will make it easier for users to find them. Some people prefer longer videos, while others want short videos to get the message across. It is better to go with what your audience wants rather than doing things your way.

Engage with Your Audience

YouTube viewers love the interaction and they can tell if a channel is fake. It is important that you create a community around your channel by responding to comments, having discussions, and interacting with your subscribers whenever possible.

If you are not able to engage with the audience yourself then make sure that someone else in your team does it on your behalf. YouTube’s algorithm favors channels that have loyal subscribers so you need to try your best to keep up the interaction.

Branding Your Channel

Many people think that branding is necessary only for big companies but it is also important if you are looking to grow your YouTube channel. You need to create a unique brand around your channel through videos, social media profiles, and a website.

One of the best ways to do this is by creating custom thumbnails that will be displayed with every video on YouTube. Thumbnails not only look good but also help you stand out from other videos.

Promote Your Channel on Other Platforms

Once your name is out on YouTube, it will be easier for people to find you on other social media networks. You should try to promote your YouTube channel wherever possible by using the same username and link.

This will help you grow your community around whatever niche that you are in. For example, if you are doing makeup tutorials then promoting them through beauty blogs or Instagram can help you get more views on YouTube.

Ask Viewers to Subscribe

People who are watching your video for the first time will not be subscribing to your channel unless you ask them. You should always ask your audience to subscribe to your YouTube channel. This is a simple trick that can work wonders if done correctly. You can ask them at the end of your videos or add a link in the description box.

Increasing Your Posting Frequency

The best way to get more views on your YouTube videos is by uploading more. If you are able to upload interesting content on a daily basis, the chances of getting organic views will increase significantly. This is because there are a lot of users on YouTube who search for videos based on how many times it has been viewed. The higher your video goes, the more viewers it will get.

Create PlayLists

You can have a separate channel just for playlists. Playlists are the best way to attract more views on your YouTube videos as you will be promoting multiple videos at once. For example, if you are doing makeup tutorials then create a playlist of all the makeup-related videos that you have created over time.

You can also include other people’s videos in the playlist. This way, when a user subscribes to your playlist, they will be notified whenever you add a new video or when someone else adds a video to it. You can also add videos from other people’s playlists into yours which will help them grow their subscribers as well.

Write Engaging Titles

Titles are very important when it comes to getting more views on your videos. You can’t expect people to watch a video with a plain title that doesn’t tell them what the video is about.

It is advisable that you create high-quality titles for your YouTube videos that will be attractive enough for users to click on them. YouTube analytics helps you find the keywords that are used to find your videos and it is a powerful tool that can be utilized for optimizing your titles.

Optimize Your Videos

YouTube SEO is one of the best ways to get more views on your videos. Once you upload a video, it will appear on different pages depending on the search terms. Make sure you optimize your uploaded videos in order to get more views.

You can do this by including the keyword you are targeting in the title, description box, and tags section. Search results are sorted based on their number of views so if you are able to get your video in the relevant section, there are high chances that it will be clicked.

Purchase Subscribers and Views

The fastest and the easiest way to grow your YouTube channels is by purchasing YouTube subscribers and views from Media Mister. Media Mister has delivered millions of YouTube subscribers and views while maintaining a list of 10000 satisfied customers.

Media Mister offers the best subscriber and view packages on the market. They will get your channel noticed by getting you instant exposure to a massive audience! If you are willing to buy YouTube subscribers and views, Media Mister is the place for you.


Getting more views on YouTube is not an easy task. If you want to grow your YouTube channel, you need to put in a lot of hard work and dedication before you can see any results. However, if you are able to follow these simple steps then the chances of your video getting more views will exponentially increase. This will give you a good boost for future videos as well which will help them do well.

Media Mister is one of the top YouTube Subscribers and Views providers on the market. They have delivered 100% real fast active subscribers and views to the channel with 24/7 support. All you need to do is visit our website at **** and buy custom packages for subscribers and view which will help you grow your YouTube channel at ease.

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